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Can you identify the location or even the name of this house?  It has beaten our experts!

An email from Norm suggested that the architecture looked American. He suggested the Lees River in  Massachusetts. 

This led me to look up other Lee/Lea/Lees Rivers. There only seem to be three in the world - according to Wikipedia.  England, Ireland and the USA. I flew the length of the River Lee in County Cork (on Google Earth) and there doesn't appear to be a building which matches.  The Lees River in the USA  is a 3 mile tidal waterway. Sadly, Google Earth does not reveal any suitable candidates there, either. 

Now, thanks to David Bradbury, we know the source of the image. He has emailed to tell us that "The picture "On the Lea" is taken from the chapter-heading on Chub (page 37) in volume 1 of the Rev. William Houghton's "British Fresh-water Fishes" (1879):  . He continues "That implies that it is the right Lea, but I remain baffled about the precise location. The width of the river in the picture suggests somewhere quite well downstream, but I can't think of any buildings which would fit the bill, unless the artist has used a great deal of imagination on something really prosaic like the former cottages just north of High Hill Ferry." 

Which is another interesting suggestion.....




Answers by email , please


This site was last updated 04/12/14